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Committees & Councils

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Standing Committees



The Area Vice Presidents Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for assisting the various Association committees and councils in accomplishing their objectives and their work. The Executive Committee will provide the general direction for the Area Vice Presidents Committee.  The members of the Area Vice Presidents Committee shall be the Area Vice Presidents selected by each of the geographic areas of the state. Members of the Area Vice Presidents Committee shall select the Chairman from among themselves.

The Associates Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy to the Board of Directors and for providing general direction to the staff and Association Members in the broad area of Associate Member support and activities. Specifically, this committee shall: (1) promote the establishment of associates committees; (2) promote educational programs for Associate Members; (3) enhance the exchange of ideas between associates committees of Association Members; and (4) assist in the planning and promotion of the Convention. The committee shall consist of those members, other than Builder Members, of the Association engaged in businesses which support the building industry.



The Association and Long Range Planning Committee shall have the responsibility for evaluating the resources and facilities of the Association and for determining how best to achieve the appropriate allocation of the Association’s resources and facilities with respect to the Association’s tasks and mission. The Association and Long Range Planning Committee shall also have the duty and responsibility of reviewing all activities of the Association, studying the needs of the membership of the Association, determining how those needs can be successfully met by future activities of the Association, and developing plans, policies and programs for Association action which will meet the long term needs of the building industry.

The Audit Committee shall be responsible for causing the Association’s books of accounts and accounting procedures to be audited annually by a certified public accountant and to review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to any report issued by such accountant.



The Bylaws & Policy Review Committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing the current Bylaws and Association policies and procedures and making recommendations for changes to the Board of Directors.

The Codes and Standards Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy to staff and the Board of Directors relating to any code impacting residential construction. Specifically, the committee shall: (1) review and recommend policy on any statewide or regionally applied building code; (2) review and recommend policy on other codes on an as needed basis, including but not limited to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or energy; (3) review and recommend policy on code implementation, administration, and maintenance on an as needed basis; (4) monitor the activities of model code bodies.



The Contracts Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy to staff and the Board of Directors relating to the development, promotion, sale and distribution of form construction contracts for TAB builders and remodelers. Such contracts shall account for various issues encountered by builders and remodelers during the construction or remodeling of homes. In creating such contracts, the committee shall work with other committees and councils as necessary.

The Committee shall: (1) determine the eligibility to vote according to the provisions of these Bylaws of persons attending all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. (2) have the duty and responsibility of recommending to the Board of Directors, at its annual meeting, the nomination of qualified persons, who have been previously qualified by the nominating committee at the June Board of Directors meeting, to fill the offices of President, First Vice President, Vice President/Secretary, Treasurer, Area Vice Presidents, Assistant Treasurers, Assistant Secretaries, the National Representative to the National Association, and any other officers to be elected or appointed by the Board of Directors.  (3) Have the duty and responsibility of reviewing all resolutions submitted by Association Members conducting hearings on such resolutions, and determining which resolutions to recommend for consideration by the Board of Directors.



The Association shall have an Executive Committee which, subject to the direction and policies of the Board of Directors, shall have and exercise the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the Association.

The Finance Committee shall develop and recommend to the Board of Directors: a proposed annual operating budget and, if called for, a capital expenditure budget; dues to be paid by the various classes of members of the Association; and the amount, if any, that should be set aside for a reserve fund.  Specifically, this committee shall: (1) investigate the budgets, dues structure, and reserve funds in preceding years; (2) recommend to the Executive Committee improvements to be made in disbursement procedures; and (3) invite and solicit recommendations from Association Members council and committee chairman, Directors and officers of the of the Association.



The Government Relations Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy for the Board of Directors and for providing general direction to the staff and Association Members in the broad area of government relations. Specifically, this committee shall: (1) support proposed state legislation, rules and regulations that would tend to increase the private production and ownership of residential communities and their related facilities; (2) oppose proposed state legislation, rules and regulations that would tend to impede the private production and ownership of residential communities and their related facilities; (3) seek the repeal of state statutes and the amendment of rules and regulations that tend to impede the private production and ownership of residential communities and their related facilities; and (4) assist Association Members, upon request, in the development of political action committees.

The Legal Affairs Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy (which may include recommending that the Association actively participate as a named plaintiff in an original lawsuit if the circumstances warrant such action) to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors relating to the funding of and participation in litigation.



The Membership Committee shall have the duty and responsibility for recommending policy to the Board of Directors in the area of membership.  Specifically, this committee shall:  (1) promote increased number and quality of membership, and (2) propose and develop informational meetings between Association Members, association officers and staff.  The committee in conjunction with the staff may also review and recommend member services and programs to the Board of Directors.

The Sunbelt Builders Showâ„¢ Committee has duty and responsibility for developing, supervising and managing matters relating to all association expositions. Within the limits of the approved budget of the association, the committee shall exercise oversight over any management assistance offered to trade shows or exhibitions owned or operated by the Texas Association of Builders.


From time to time the Board of Directors may authorize the formation of business councils, i.e., councils to represent the interest of members in a particular business within the scope of the purposes of the Association, or a particular division of the functions of the Association. The Association may have the following councils:



The council shall consist of those members of the Association engaged in the practice of law, with a primary focus on construction law and/or land use. The council shall concern itself with case law, judicial actions, and legislation that impact the residential construction industry. The council may be called on by the Government Relations Committee, Executive Committee, or the Board of Directors to make specific policy recommendations.

This council shall consist of those members of the Association who develop land for the purpose of residential housing construction.  During the time of the annual meeting of the members of the Association, the council shall elect a chairman and such other officers it deems useful to the council.  The council shall concern itself with issues peculiar to its members, and shall recommend to the Board of Directors policies for the Association affecting the interests of its members who are developers.  The council shall have the authority to make membership in the council contingent upon mandatory contributions to the Texas Association of Builders in amounts equal to or greater than the approved suggested level of giving as established by the council.



This council shall consist of the presidents of the Association Members. The council shall concern itself with matters of interest to both the Association Members and the Association, and may make recommendations to the Board of Directors as it deems appropriate. The council shall also serve as a forum in which the members can share information about their experiences and challenges as presidents of Association Members.

The purpose of the Multifamily Council shall be to educate, promote and advance the general welfare of the multifamily housing industry.



This council shall consist of those members of the Association who want to further the inclusion of women in the industry and Association. During the time of the annual meeting of the members of the Association, the council shall elect a chairman and such other officers it deems useful to the council. The council shall concern itself with issues particular to women in the residential building industry and the recruitment and retention of women to the Association. The council may be called on by Association staff, the Membership Committee, the Association and Long Range Planning Committee, the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors to make specific policy recommendations.

This council shall consist of those members of the Association engaged in the remodeling of residential, industrial and commercial buildings. The council shall concern itself with issues peculiar to its members, and shall recommend to the Board of Directors policies for the Association affecting the interests of members engaged in the remodeling profession.



This council shall consist of: the Executive Director of the Association; the chief staff executive of each Association Member; in instances where an Association Members does not have paid staff, the volunteer serving as the administrator of the Association Member; and the other executive/professional staff members of Association Members. The purpose of the Texas Executive Officers' Council shall be to encourage and assist the professional development of staff of Association Members through educational programs and the exchange of information.

This council shall consist of those members of the Association who build more than 400 single-family homes in Texas each year. The council shall concern itself with issues peculiar to its members, and shall recommend to the Board of Directors policies for the Association affecting the interests of its members who are volume builders.


This council shall consist of those members of the Association who are under the age of 45. The President shall appoint a chairman and a vice-chairman of the council, each to serve a one year term of office. The council shall concern itself with issues particular to young professionals of the residential building industry and the recruitment and retention of young professionals to the Association. The council may be called on by Association staff, the Membership Committee, the Association and Long Range Planning Committee, the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors to make specific policy recommendations.

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